TweetWell Codeignition has added some new faces recently, and yeah I am one of them. I just passed out from IIT Jodhpur and got in here. And its been a huge learning experience since. Writing code is not the same now. Now I need to impose a great deal of thought on the structure of the code, and yes, SOLID has been a big help. So let’s get back to the basics and see what the fuss it is.
SOLID is an acronym for the five principles of software design, devised by Robert C. Martin or well known as Uncle Bob. What are these five principles, let’s find out.
1. Single Responsibility Priniciple -
A class should have only one reason to change, thus it should perform only one job.
Probably the most intuitive and easy to understand, but hard in practice. Its application in code does wonders regarding simplicity and readability.
Take a look at the code below, we have defined a class person
, which has
3 attributes. One of them is email
, which needs to be verified.
class Person{
name: string ;
address: string;
email: string;
validate email(){
//validation logic
One might want to verify the email
in his own way, whether its syntax
or domain or whatever. These changes do not affect the job of person
class, since it is supposed to define a person
object. If it is also
validating the email, it is then violating SRP.
So, we take the validation step outside, create a new class. That will
leave us with person
class with only one job - defining a person
object. That should be it.
class Email{
email: string;
validate email(){
//validation logic
class Person{
name: string;
address: string;
email: Email;
SRP has following advantages
- it makes refactoring really easy.
- imposes a great deal of structure on the code.
- naming things, which is actually tough, is made easier since classes now have one simple job, so one can name them accordingly which can make it clear what it does.
Let’s move on to the next one.
2. Open/Closed Principle
Modules should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
Let’s take a look at an example -
class Rectangle{
class AreaCalculator{
//calculate area
Now suppose, you are instructed that AreaCalculator
class should
calculate area of a circle
as well. You might think that’s not a big
You make one circle
class and edit the AreaCalculator
class Circle{
class AreaCalculator(shape){
if(shape == rectangle) return width * height;
else return pie*radius*radius
Yay, you did it. But now, you are instructed to add one for triangle
as well. Well this is getting bad now, you will now edit the function,
adding another if-else will result in complex code. You do know we don’t
like complex code.
So, how do we get it right? Well, OCP wants us to write code, which are closed for modification but open for extension. It wants you to separate the behaviours of the system, such that utterly intrinsic behaviours are behind a wall, that can’t be touched and the remainings that are variable and might change a lot are on other side of the wall. The base class is behind the wall, untouchable and all the dependencies point towards the base class.
To resolve the above code, we will be using interfaces
. Let’s see how
that works out.
interface Area{
class Rectangle : Area{
return width*height;
class Circle : Area{
return pie*radius*radius;
Now, even if you are told to find area of triangle
, you will simply add
another class, implement the Area
interface and override the function,
without modifying the existing code. Neat huh.
3. Liskov Substitution
Objects of base class can be replaced by objects of derived class.
Let’s talk about shapes. There are quadrilaterals, rectangles, squares etc.
Let’s take up rectangles and squares. A rectangle
class would posses
and height
as its attributes and some functions like area
class Rectangle{
Now, a square is a rectangle, right. So, a square
can inherit from a
class Square extends Rectangle{
Good enough? No. We just violated the Liskov Substitution principle.
Think about it, a rectangle
has two attributes: width
and height
, while a
needs just one: side
. Square
needs only one variable, but it will
inherit two. A rectangle
would have methods for set height
and set width
but a square
won’t need those both.
Now, there is a design issue at stake.
Understand that IsA is not inheritance. Square is a rectangle, can’t be
more true. But it’s in terms of geometry
, the same can’t be said about
those two while programming. It is an example of bad design. A better
design would be to keep rectangle and square different and inheriting
from a shape class.
Liskov Substitution principle saves us from such bad software designs, apply this and you won’t make such mistakes again.
One more example is of circle and ellipse. I am leaving it on you to think about it.
4. Interface Segregation Principle
A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it does not use or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use.
Let’s say we have a class, a big fat class, call it fat
, and it has
got a whole bunch of methods and there is a group of clients.
The population of clients that does not care about some specific methods
are still forced to, to change because fat
class changed. In general,
if a source file changes, you have to recompile everybody who depends on
that source file, even if nothing they really cared about changed.
An example should make it more clear:
interface ShapeInterface {
class square : ShapeInterface{
Now, we know that square is 2D object, and it does not have any volume but still it has acquired that function. The function when called upon will give errors and we surely don’t want that.
The way we can avoid this from happening is by taking each of the clients and creating an interface that contains only the methods that they care about.
So, our example can be solved like this
interface ShapeInterfaceTwoD{
class square : ShapeInterfaceTwoD{
The square is now not taking any unnecessary methods, and we have achieved interface segregation. Woohoo!!
5. Dependency Inversion
High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions & abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
DI is a special case of OCP, which is basically used to reduce coupling between two modules.
An example would be a better way to understand this.
class PasswordReminder {
__construct(MySQLConnection dbConnection) {
this->dbConnection = dbConnection;
First, the MySQLConnection
is the low level module while the
is high level, but according to DI, this snippet above
violates this principle as the PasswordReminder
class is being forced to
depend on the MySQLConnection
Later if we were to change the database engine, we would also have to edit
the PasswordReminder
class and thus violates OCP.
To fix this again we code to an interface, since high level and low level modules should depend on abstraction, we can create an interface:
interface DBConnectionInterface {
public function connect();
class MySQLConnection implements DBConnectionInterface {
public function connect() {
return "Database connection";
class PasswordReminder {
private $dbConnection;
public function __construct(DBConnectionInterface $dbConnection) {
$this->dbConnection = $dbConnection;
Now, even if we are to change the db engine, we can do that without
changing the Password Reminder
class. See, we achieved reduced
coupling and we respected our OCP too.
Further Reading -